Sunday, February 6, 2011

Laurel~Lifestyle Session

This beautiful gal is Laurel.  She is one of the kindest people I know.  And so gorgeous!!  She was just engaged at the time, and now she is a married women!  This shoot was a surprise for her fiancee, he wanted pictures of her.  So sweet! 
I had such a wonderful time taking pictures of her!  We had so many laughs.  She was great, posing for me in the middle of a downtown area, with lots of people around! Even when my ideas were sitting on a cement block, in the middle of a sidewalk, right in front of a outdoor restaurant.  I'm sure we were quite a sight!  Twas so much fun.
Then there was this one location I found, at an old building, next to a silo.  I drive by every week going to teach, and I always wanted to take pictures there.  So, off we went!  I hadn't noticed that it had gotten a bit overgrown....well, more then a bit.  The grass was almost as tall as me!  Did that deter us?!  Of course not!  Onward we plunged into the vast unknown!  It was a hoot.  Nobody was around, we were sure we heard someone sneaking up on us, there were scary noises coming from this building hidden in some trees.  Lots and lots of mosquitoes!  Fabulously erie and beautiful. 
We laughed the whole time! 
Thanks Laurel for a loverly afternoon.  <3

~Stephanie Lynn~


  1. Those are adorable pictures, Stephanie!!!! You are an amazing photographer!!! I especially like the theatre one :)


  2. These pictures all look so soft and lovely Stephanie :) How fun just to do a shoot all day! I love her dresses!!!
